Tuesday, December 30, 2014

* 2015 *

2015 is approaching! Another year has passed and this one flew by so fast for me. Since I turned 25 in July, I've been in constant contemplation of my goals and passion in life. I'm only going to be 25 for so long and there are so many things that I thought I would accomplish by now. But I realized that that's what society wants you to think, it doesn't matter what they say. So if you still haven't accomplished your goals yet, as long as you're putting forth the work and effort, then you're doing just fine. Keep in mind that your goals aren't going to happen for you, so you have to pull through the highs and lows. I't won't be easy but I'm sure you know that by now. So get up, pick yourself, and keep going.

People usually get on this motivational high around this time of the year and soon after fall off of it and forget to fulfill their resolutions. But you know what, who cares?! At least it got you to start thinking about your goals in life. And whether or not you choose to make it happen, know that you have the power, it is all left up to you. It's never to late to start over again. 

2015 is going to be a great year for me. You know why? Because I choose for it to be. I'm going to do the things I said I would do since I was 18. I'm going to continue my love of learning and experimenting (mostly fashion, beauty, and travel related). If you want your life to be an adventure, simply change your mindset and look at your life that way. Remember to do what you love and to never give up! I wish all of you blessings upon blessings and a Happy New Year! Cheers!!! xoxo

Hope is wishing something will happen. 
Faith is believing something will happen.
Courage is making something happen.


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